What Do The Colored Rows Represent In The "My Deals" List?

BirdDogBot uses the following color legend to indicate the status of a deal in your "My Deals" list. The colors indicate the following:

Green - This is a new deal in your list. These deals have a status of NEW.

Blue - This is an already existing deal with updated information. These deals have a status of UPDATED. To see what has changed, view the deal and look at the "Deal History" section on the property's proforma page to see what has been updated.

White - This is a deal you have already viewed in your account. These deals have a status of VIEWED.

Orange - This is a deal you have imported that is pending analysis. These deals have a status of PENDING_ANALYSIS

Red - This is a deal that you have imported and analyzed; however BirdDogBot deemed this to be a deal that does not meet your analysis criteria. These deals have a status of NO_DEAL.

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